Hi everyone!
Or should I say goodbye to everyone? Because we come to an end in our Materials Design in English Language Teaching course. 😞
Education, technology and me!
Hi everyone!
Or should I say goodbye to everyone? Because we come to an end in our Materials Design in English Language Teaching course. 😞
Hi everyone,
This week's topic is Augmented Reality and I will show you our Augmented Reality integrated teaching material.
Hi everyone!
Today, we will continue with the flipped classroom. However, this time I will introduce you to our flipped video for grammar teaching.Hi everyone!
Hi everyone!
For a couple of weeks, my partner Sude and I have been trying to create a language awareness task. In today's post, I'll be talking about what language awareness tasks are.
Hi everyone!
As most of you understand from the title, unfortunately, this is the final post of this term.Hi everyone!
For this week, as you can understand from the title, we created a digital story!
Hi everyone!
This week we created something that I haven't heard before, infographics! For those who don't what it means, an infographic is visual data composed of information. Our infographic is about a very current topic, which is higher education during the pandemic in Turkey.